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DRB, Special Meeting Minutes, October 17, 2006
OCTOBER 17, 2006

A special meeting of the Design Review Board (DRB) was held in the third floor conference room at the City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street, on October 17, 2006 at 6:00 p.m.

Members Paul Durand, David Jaquith and Ernest DeMaio were present.  Tania Hartford, Economic Development Planner, and Melissa Pagliaro, Clerk, were also present.


401 Bridge Street (Gateway Center)

The architect for the project, Harry Gundersen, provided an overview of the changes made to the plans since the last DRB meeting.  He stated that they did met with the Board of Health and as a result moved the dumpster to the church side of the property.  He added that they have made the changes that Mr. Blier suggested at the last meeting in regards to the trees.

Mr. Durand asked if the dumpsters were screened.  Mr. Gundersen said they were.

Mr. Gundersen stated that they are continuing with slight modifications to the building.  He noted that he brought the building father down the road from a design standpoint.  Since the last meeting, he has been working on a new approach.  He presented the revised plans.

Mr. Jaquith stated that he was not sure about the curved building and bay.  He thinks there could be a problem with the windows being different sizes.  He also noted that he has a concern whether or not something is picking up the brick line and the panels.

Mr. Gundersen said that on the larger windows the sills would be lower.

Mr. DeMaio said that first of all a great deal of effort has been put into landscaping the backside and not so much on the west side where the corner property abuts. He did not think there was a lot of thought about how this site would tie into the future development of the abutting parcel.  Mr. Gundersen replied that there is a visibility issue on that corner due to the way the street curves.  He said that ultimately there would be all new sidewalks and plantings but due to the visibility issue they are limited on what they can do there.

Mr. Durand asked if there would be a connection between the sites.  Mr. Gundersen said that ultimately there would be but not where the traffic comes in.

Mr. DeMaio apologized for missing the last meeting.  He did read the minutes and understands the concerns of the Board.  He thinks the newer version of the building adds more materials and is more interesting to look at.  He said it is a little restrained where improvements were made.  He would not mind seeing a bit more.  He is a little bit uncomfortable with the massing of building and thinks that maybe some columns could be added to calm it down a bit.  He stated that there is a definite improvement.  He thinks maybe some low landscape treatments may work to alert people to the entry on the west side of the property.

Mr. Durand suggested possibly a curb or a low wall, to separate parking from sidewalk would work on the west side of the property.  Mr. DeMaio said that maybe some signage or lighting might mark the corners.

Mr. Durand stated that he thinks site signage might be nice.  Mr. Gundersen said that one issue with signage and the site is that you drive parallel to it.  

Mr. Durand said that most of his comments have been addressed.  He thinks Mr. Gundersen understands what he meant.  He also agrees with Mr. DeMaio’s comments that the break and rhythm were good.

Mr. DeMaio said he also noticed that the masonry has changed from the last version.  Mr. Gundersen said that he thought it seemed nice with pre cast.

Mr. DeMaio suggested that with the Church in the background maybe the two buildings could relate better to each other, perhaps the colors could play off each other.

Mr. Durand asked if the issues with the power poles had been addressed.  Mr. Gundersen said the engineer has contacted the power company and they basically said they could do whatever needed.  Mr. Durand said they have to be removed for a clean look.  Mr. Gundersen agreed but said that cost would be a factor.  Mr. Durand said that hopefully between the City, the developer and the Power Company it could be accomplished.  Mr. Gundersen said that the Power Company said that it would help if it were of some financial benefit to them.  He is not sure if that will actually be the case because of where the power stops.  He also noted that if they remove the poles they have to replace the street lighting.

Mr. Durand stated it would be great to see something reflect off of the Church.

Mr. Jaquith stated the most important changes should be to the top plane of the building.

Ms. Hartford went through the conditions of the recommendation:

1.      The applicant will submit final construction plans and material samples for review and approval by the DRB prior to obtaining a building permit.
2.      The metal entry points should be modified to show a break in the vertical plane at the roofline by at least one-foot.
3.      The electrical poles should be removed and the lines should be buried.  The streetlights should be removed or replaced with a more aesthetically pleasing light.
4.      The masonry chosen for the details on the building should relate to the masonry on the church.
5.      The relocated dumpster must be screened.
6.      The corners of the site should be modified to include some additional site features such as low-level plantings, signage or lighting.
Mr. DeMaio moved to approve the recommendation.  Mr. Jaquith seconded the motion.  Motion passed (3-0).

Martin Imm, member of the public residing at 72 Federal Street, stated he is the co-chair of the Federal Street Neighborhood Association and was active in the crafting of the NRCC Master Plan.  He stated that he is in 100% in support of this project.  He commended the DRB, noting that the comments have been very constructive.  He stated he is pleased that the DRB is moving this project forward.

Mr. Durand thanked him on behalf of the Board.  He noted that the Board has provided a vital function to make sure that all developers are doing the right thing.  He stated that he hopes this Board sends a message to future developers that if your coming to Salem, aim for high standards because this City is a great place.
Approval of Minutes

Ms. Hartford stated that the Board needed to approve the minutes from the July 26, 2006 DRB Meeting, August 3, 2006 Special DRB Meeting, and August 22, 2006 DRB Meeting.

Mr. Jaquith moved to approve all of the minutes as submitted.  Mr. DeMaio seconded the motion.  Motion approved (3-0).


The Board moved to adjourn the meeting.  All were in favor.  

Meeting stands adjourned.